Preston’s Question: What paradox continues to challenge you?

Preston's Ultimate Question: What paradox continues to challenge you?

Entrepreneur and coach, Preston True and I explore the power of paradox and how embracing the complexities of life can lead to growth and self-discovery. 

Preston shares how these pivotal moments pushed him toward exploring the deeper meaning of belonging and self-discovery, inviting listeners to reflect on their own journeys. He also shares his personal struggles with balancing family relationships and professional commitments, revealing how the paradoxes we face can push us to become "smarter, stronger, faster." 

We discuss the challenges of decision-making, what it means to actually make a decision and how truly making a decision is often not what you think. We need both the value of mystery and to grow our ability to allow ourselves to be surprised by what we create.

Join us for this conversation and prepare to reframe and confront the paradoxes that continue to challenge you.

The Ultimate Question™ has an uncanny way of reaching into the hidden corners of your mind and depths of your heart to shake lose insights and ideas that you’ve never had language for– And that language becomes our collective catalyst.

Connect further with Preston via his website or Linkedin.


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